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SIMH Newsletter

On this page, you will find Southdown Indian Mountain Healing's newsletter. In this newsletter, you will find information about team meetings, any upcoming projects, and items of importance that SIMH is currently looking for help obtaining (such as wood for lodges), etc. The newsletter will always be posted on this page and we will provide a downloadable version as well that can be found by clicking the button below.







With January ending and the warmer temperatures, we are getting spring fever! Springtime is a busy time for

Southdown Indian Mountain Healing. It is a time of rebuilding and preparing for a season of healing lodges for our community members.


             Our next TEAM Meeting will be held Thursday, February 8, 2024, at the IHOP at 104th and I25. We plan to begin our meeting at 6:30 and end by 8:00pm. We would like to invite anyone who would like to volunteer and learn more about our program to attend. So, we can be prepared, the following are areas of discussion at our upcoming meeting:


  • Wood: Our continual need for wood for our Veteran’s Program (SIMVP) healing ceremonies. This includes source(s) for wood as well as trucks/trailers for transporting the wood.

  • Rocks: We have a source for lava rocks for the ceremony but need trucks/trailers and manpower to haul them to SIM. Our source for rocks is about 2 hours away.

  • Red willow: Spring will find us rebuilding the lodges on SIM. We will need to find and harvest about 80 red willows. Again, we are looking for volunteers to learn the Native American ceremony of harvesting red willow. We will then hold classes to learn how to build a lodge and why it is done this way.

  • Lodge poles: A big thank you to the Boulder County Parks and Open Space Foundation for helping us obtain 3 - 18’ tipi canvas. We plan to raise the tipis on SIM and use them for classes this summer. To do this we will need to cut, haul, and clean about 48-60 lodge poles. Our source is in Nederland. The property owner will let us know as soon as we can get on the land –probably closer to April.

  • Fundraising: Please bring your fundraising ideas for our non-profit programs.
    -We need funding for our Elders Speak program to provide travel, housing and subsidize our Native

    American teachers.
    -Our SIMVP uses water, trash bags, wood, and rocks for each lodge.
    -Gas cards for the trucks to haul the rocks and wood for the lodges.
    -SIMH would like to purchase a smaller 12’ tipi canvas for teaching purposes.
    -SIMH will need to purchase star quilts and food for our Wopila dinner in September.




           Currently, our Veterans Program will continue to hold 2 community Inipi (healing) Lodges per month on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at SIM. Our next lodge is scheduled for Saturday, February 10, 2024. We plan to begin the ceremonial fire about 8:30am and enter the lodge 10:00-10:30am. Due to the chilly weather of the winter months, we will not be having our potluck following the lodge.            *Please check the website prior to the lodge in case of any changes or delays.




**Southdown Indian Mountain Healing is looking for volunteers to assist in administration. Anyone who is experienced in accounting and/or grant writing please contact Marty and/or Lori.


We look forward to seeing each of you again at our meeting.

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